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AKA ERNIE 9:25 Tue Mar 21
Record season tkt sales continue
Got to be bullshit

West Ham United supporters have shown their loyalty and commitment once again following a record-breaking opening week of Season Ticket Renewals for the 2017/18 campaign.

After the renewal process opened to supporters last Monday morning, thousands have already secured their seat at London Stadium for next year in the first seven days, to leave the Club on target for a complete sell-out of Season Tickets in record time.

Last Monday saw the highest number of first day renewals in the Club’s entire history and, in a magnificent demonstration of that famous Hammers support, every day since has delivered yet another record-breaking number.

Such has been the demand, this year has seen several times the number of renewals compared to the same point in the renewal process during our hugely popular final season at the Boleyn Ground.

For this reason, the Club must remind Season Ticket Holders that they have until Wednesday 31 May to renew their seat for the 2017/18 campaign, with renewal prices frozen as part of the Club's ongoing promise to provide affordable football at London Stadium.

Any Season Tickets not renewed by this date will be made available to supporters on the 55,000-strong Season Ticket Waiting List.

Supporters can also take advantage of the brand new low-interest payment plan that enables the cost of your renewal to be spread over monthly instalments, delivered with our partner V12 Season Ticket Finance.

The 10-month plan now offers a low 6% interest rate – significantly reduced from the 19.9% previously payable. Alternatively, the four-month plan offers 0% interest, with a £30.00 administration fee.

For Season Ticket Holders looking to relocate their seat once the deadline renewal passes, the low-interest payment plans provide the perfect opportunity to renew as soon as possible in order to secure a prime spot on the priority list for relocations.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Fifth Column 8:49 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
The whole point of this site is to share opinions on west Ham.

Telling people who don't like the os to go away and stop moaning is pathetic. Maybe the people who like the crap hole should stop posting. Then there would be no posts at all.

Or everyone can just have their say.

I was in favour of the move. Now I see we were lied to on so many things and I hate the place. If anyone doesn't want to read my thoughts then I don't give a shit.

Anyone who doesn't like hearing different opinions must be a bit insecure about their own views.

Side of Ham 7:55 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
Well said Bungo, this site really needs this information it also fills the even bigger void they will have in their lives for them once they stop going.

Two birds and one moan and all that.....

Bungo 6:04 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
I always hope that people that don’t go to the new stadium will hang around on here, regularly posting the reasons why they don’t like it. It always makes such a good read.

And let’s face it, people who don’t like it have really important opinions that need to restated as often as possible, just in case anyone has missed their previous 5000 posts on the subject.

Johnson 5:20 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
Oioi - I'm not going to the next two games. Will do Ys and possibly Liverpool unless it gets moved for TV.

My tickets are being used.


Johnson 5:18 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
No, not really, just in tune with their usual spin and bollocks.

AlvinMartinAllen 3:27 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
Johnson 1:15 Sun Mar 26

Is that really a big revelation, as 18% of ST's for next season have been sold, whatever way you look at it?

Side of Ham 2:47 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
It's been a long drawn separation for him and i'd say Spurs is one of the best games to say goodbye.He'll still get a few tickets off buster i guess.

oioi 2:42 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
I just thought that you don't have to wait until next year to pack it in, you can do it now. What are you waiting for? If you don't like it, flog your tickets and don't go. Someone who can't get a ticket and wants to go will be very happy. Everyone wins!

Why do you find simple logic to be strange? I'm just being helpful.

Side of Ham 2:33 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
It's all about how you deal with change, take just Hackney Wick it was an absolute industrial shit hole prior to the Olympics now it's totally regenerated with hipsters calling it 'The Wick' like they've named it and it's never been called that.I don't like it but it's far better them, than the desolate shit hole it was as it's upgraded the mindset around there and even the longtime locals around there are starting to show some appreciation for where they now reside and if they don't they have seen their property value rise to be able to make a choice to get out, and be with those they are more at home being around.That's been London for centuries and more so East London due to the docks.

This will be West Ham and it's been it for a longtime, you try finding a West Ham kid supporter that speaks like a 'cockney' and i'll tell you you'll struggle for even the Essex version.

Johnson 2:20 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
I've already told you I'll probably be going Tottenham you strange man.

oioi 2:08 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
I've just had a good idea. Johnson hates the new stadium and doesn't want to go any more. A bloke on another thread is looking for a Spurs ticket for his daughter. Johnson can sell her his ticket!

Win, win situation.

cosmo smallpiece 7:22 Sat Mar 25
Tottenham game. Can anyone help?
My daughter will be in England for 10 days from April 28 and really wants to go to the Spurs game if possible. Any chance of her getting tickets and if so, what's her best option. Appreciate any help anyone can give.

Tomshardware 1:49 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
When will it be 60k?

oioi 1:23 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
"When you are friends with someone who has a contact at the TO its amazing what you can find out."

Bloke down the pub......

Johnson 1:15 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
When you are friends with someone who has a contact at the TO its amazing what you can find out.

For instance, when they said 18% had renewed as if fans were flocking to chuck money at them, they failed to point out that there were only actually 1,440 active renewals. The rest were the three year corporate cons and these 2 year £289 tickets.

I don't blindly disagree with anything, there's no need to the facts are out there as their own staff don't respect them enough to keep it quiet.

As for the polls, they're in the public domain you go and look them up. They were filled in by a few thousand and a high percentage, higher than you'd want if you're the BERKS, said they wouldn't renew.

I won't educate you on statistics but that can be extrapolated up.

As for how many said they would renew, well that's the opposite of the above.

moorethanjustananon 1:01 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
Okay so you mention polls and a few questions jump to mind, how many people took them for example? What percentage voted the way you suggest? How many of the people that did take them register they same response on more than one of said polls? How many completed the each poll more than once? Was it even possible to do so?

And how many people who said they wouldn't, actually will renew? Because people have the right to change there minds right?

Don't feel obliged to answer any of those, just illustrating that I don't believe or disbelieve what I read on the net (I don't really it much attention at all in reality).

Ironic that you would suggest I blindly disagree with anything I don't like the sound of and yet you do the exact same thing when the club put anything out... or if anyone on here disagrees with you, regardless of how well they make their point.

Your prerogative as I said earlier - as long as we're clear we're dealing in opinions not facts.

P.s. If that's correct that there was only 1,500 band 5 initially released then I was extremely lucky to get one, I don't know how you know that - but if true you are correct that 6,000 is more than 1,500 and as such would represent 'most'.

Johnson 12:49 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
I do know the option of thousands as various polls have shown thousands intend to not renew.

The initial release of £289 tickets was around 1,500, so the next amount which is more does mean MOST.

Why don't you open your eyes to what's going on instead of doubting anyone who says things you don't like the sound of.

Side of Ham 12:43 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
Yet you whiners can't just simply walk away, you dilute your point which i think is valid just by mincing on here about it and repeating it over and over.

Except that there IS those ready to just step in....and wait for them to piss off too with the lies etc.

Then these owners will have a big money sucking burden on their hands.You know just by their LIES their plan WILL eventually fail and as you are walking away there's little else you can do but just bitch.

moorethanjustananon 12:38 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
I don't have an agenda against you Johnson old chap. I take issue with people spouting HALF TRUTHS as FACTS to suit their own narrative (only occasionally enough for me to post about it though).

Making statements as if you know the opinions of thousands when in fact I suspect, like on this board, the opinions of the few are shouted louder than the opinions of the silent majority who whilst may not be completely over the moon aren't so angry they feel the need to bitch and whine constantly.

So there were an additional 6,000 band 5 tickets released, after season ticket sales were completed as you rightly point out, on a two year purchase basis - what is that against the total number of band 5 seats? Given you describe it as FACT that it was a majority?

Johnson 12:37 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
Loads of things the ill informed stupid DRUIDS said have come true and Sullivan has admitted we're not making that much more money from the dump than we were at UP if that's what you mean.

Side of Ham 12:36 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
Yes the ORANGE people are getting the hump and bitching on a fan forum about it.

stewie griffin 12:33 Sun Mar 26
Re: Record season tkt sales continue
Cheers for the look, could do with getting them threaded as it happens


come to think of it, is there ANYTHING that's gone well?

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